Iemmá bádnedåktåra lunna


Iemmá has tooth ache. She needs to go to a dentist.

The books about Iemmá are loved by children all around the world. No they can be read also in Lulesaami!




Gunilla Wolde’s books about Iemmá (Emma) have been translated into several languages and now they are published also in Lule Sami.

The books are also suitable for older children, adolescents and adults who want to learn North-Sami.


Author: Gunilla Wolde

Translated into Lule Sámi by: Árran mánájgárdde

ISBN: 9899202649-58-9

Pages: 22

Other books in Lule Sami: Iemmá bádnedåktåra lunna, Slåbbågáhkko, Gå Findus unnagattjan gádoj


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