Is for those who already know a bit of Sami. Here you develop your language skills so that you manage in the fixing everyday situations.
You can choose between courses with weblærer and independent study. Experience shows that learning is more effective if you have a personal weblærer that follow up, corrects submission tasks, communicating with you on Skype and answer your questions. The course is approximately 100 hours.
The goal is to quickly be able to get by in simple everyday situations.
The course features exciting contemporary dialogues, several types of interactive tasks with response, audio glossary, grammar database and lydinnspiller so you can record your voice and listen for on and compared with native pronunciation.
You can choose between and order now:
A) Self-study: 100 Euro, – / participant / year.
B) Classes with webteacher: 537 Euro / participant.
Course fee is refundable after completing the course *) applies to persons with Norwegian residency
Study Plan and Content
In SNorth Sami A2 learn, among other things:
• Sami kinship designations
• Words and expressions you need when you have guests
• Sami dress
• Directions and distances
• Driving
• Life on the Plateau
The course consists of:
• Manual
• Radio programs on CD
Once you have completed level A1 should be able to:
Level A2 – Intermediate
I can understand words and expressions related to areas of personal significance, as basic information concerning myself, my family, my neighborhood and workplace. I can catch the main point in short, simple and clear messages and announcements.
Reading Comprehension
I can read very short, simple texts. I can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, brochures, menus and timetables. I can understand short, simple personal letters.
A conversation
I can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. I can use and understand usual pleasantries, but understand not usually enough to keep the conversation going. Spoken production I can use a series of phrases and sentences in a simple way describe family and other people, living conditions, my education and my present or most recent job.
I can write short, simple notes and messages. I can write a very simple personal letter, for example. a thank you letter.
North Sami A1 or equivalent.